School News-January 2023

Maryborough National School, Portlaoise.

School News –January 2023


We are all very excited to be back in school after our Christmas Holidays. On Sunday, the 4th of December, we held our School Christmas Concert in the Church where the children played all kinds of instruments and sang Christmas songs. We even had a few special guests on the night! The school was celebrating 125 years! It was a fantastic occasion. We would like to thank all parents, students, staff and friends of Maryborough NS for celebrating our special event. It is a show we will always remember! We hope families and friends of Maryborough NS had a lovely and restful Christmas break.

This term we have lots to look forward to! We hope to have a sponsored walk organised by the Parent’s Association to raise money for an interactive whiteboard for the senior classroom. The school will be in touch with Parent’s regarding this. This is a great fundraiser and we thank all the families of Maryborough NS for their support on this.

We hope to have a ‘Coffee Morning’ whilst celebrating ‘Grandparent’s Day’ in the school. We hope to invite not only Grandparents but also family members of the children in Maryborough NS to join this ‘Coffee Morning’. Details about this exciting event will be available shortly….

We would like to thank the Parents for supporting the Clothing Collection in November. The school raised 104.40euro and a percentage was donated to the Lauryn Lynn Charity. The Parent’s Association hope to organise another clothing collection this term.

Before Christmas, the children engaged in a few weeks of Athletics with Laois Partnership. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and learned lots of valuable new skills. The children enjoyed many weeks with Shane from Portlaoise GAA and we would like to thank Shane for teaching the children valuable skills in GAA. The girls reached the Cumann na mBunscol final against Knock NS in November. Unfortunately, they didn’t win but we all had a great day out and the girls played fantastically! A HUGE WELL DONE to the 5th and 6th Class girls for reaching the final in O Moore Park-the school is very proud of you. A HUGE thank you to Graham Peavoy for sponsoring a Pizza Party for the children in 5th and 6th Class for their success and participation in Cumann na mBunscol league this year. It was a great league!

As a New Year begins, we are awarded with an opportunity for fresh starts and acts of kindness for the year ahead. We are grateful for all that we received and experienced over the Christmas Holidays and we use this time to give back to people in needs and help out at home.